... is an engrossing story set in a small Virginia town shortly after the war. Charlie, an attractive stranger, comes to town looking for work and is soon employed by the local butcher. Oddly, Charlie develops an intense friendship with Sam Haislett a 5 year old who finds
…more Charlie a more comfortable confidant and teacher than his parents. The two are virtually inseparable and ultimately Charlie's decisions have a huge impact on Sam's life.
The book has some of the most colorful characters and vivid descriptions of place that I can remember reading in recent past. Goolrick has created two female characters who share a passionate interest in fashion and I can't help but wonder how it was for him to write those sections describing fabric, color and style.
Some of the turns in the action are predictable but many were not, at least for me. As we expect Charlie to make some decisions that will put him in the path of danger, we surely don't foresee the finale.
This one was even better than A Reliable Wife but if you haven't read it, do so by all means. (less)