This was a rough one for me, content-wise, but certainly worth reading in my opinion. Unsurprisingly given the setting (civil war in Sudan), this was an intense read, with much challenging content. I learned a lot about the cultures written about, appreciated windows into
…more many lives so different from mine, cringed at the "white savior wannabe" behavior of one character, and was horrified by the careless viciousness and cruelty of so many acts and actors. I had to take several lengthy breaks from reading due to the latter. It wasn't unrelenting, as there were also lovely portrayals of kindness and care, and much of the writing itself was really beautiful - I more than once found myself going back to read a sentence or phrase several times for the sheer enjoyment of the author's language, especially word choices. Highly recommend, but be prepared for a close up view of the horror and stupidity of war. (less)