The Sunset Route, by Carrot Quinn, will undoubtedly be compared to Educated, The Glass Castle and Hillbilly Elegy. Carrot is abused and neglected by her schizophrenic mother, has a father who has given up all parental rights, and has very cold and abusive grandparents. Her
…more saviors, in her memoir, are her friends and strangers. Each friend she meets in the various school systems she attends, and through her travels, give her the love and friendship severely lacking in her family. Strangers even offer her meals, rides and places to stay.
I didn't realize rail traveling was still done and now I'm going to be looking for cars that people could ride on now when I see trains! Carrot was still able to see the beauty in her surroundings and this comes through so well in her writing. I really wanted to see more closure at the end, but found the last few pages to be very profound. I will be writing some of Carrot's final thoughts down for my own reference. I am following her on Instagram now to see what her future holds. (less)