Elizabeth Berg's novel is one of several books about unlikely partnerships between old and young and how caring is ageless. I enjoyed Billie Letts' WHERE THE HEART IS, Stephanie Kallos' BROKEN FOR YOU and Kent Haruf's PLAINSONG, but of all the characters who inhabit these
…more books, it is Berg's Arthur I will remember most.
In his old age, Arthur still sees his glass as half full. Even while grieving for his wife Nola, he is able to find "sorrowful gifts", like being able to leave the toilet seat up or eating cookies in bed. He is a self-described "great appreciator" who considers himself lucky in life. Young Maddy finds her own luck when she heeds Mr. Rogers" TV advice to "look for the helpers" and finds one in Arthur.
This is a story about family. It's about love and loss and optimism. It's about Arthur, a really good man. You ought to meet him. A dose of his kind of sunshine will be good for you! (less)