Kate Channing has made a lot of her life in the past 10 years. The week in France with friends that ended with the break up of a relationship still stings but barely. She has almost forgotten the French girl who disrupted it all.
Then the girl's body is found and remaining
…more friends come together and Kate is haunted by the past and her imperfect memories.
Nicely written novel that grows from a mystery to dangers that Kate could never have imagined. She looks closer at each friend and begins to wonder what really happened 10 years ago. What does she really know about each of them and their deepest secrets? For that fact what does she really know about her own?
Readers will come to the end of this story wondering about these characters and then perhaps relating to their own friends in the same way. Do we ever really know someone and how far they might go to protect their own secrets?
Good discussion panel here to delve into the idea of what friendship means and how much you really should or need to know. Good reading for ages 16 and up. (less)