This was a new author to me, so I don't know any of the backstory for these characters, but it was entirely possible to read this book as a standalone. That said, I am going to look for the previous books, as I enjoyed the mystery, although I was fairly certain who the
…more culprit was, although not how the crime took place, or even totally why until the end. The only thing that took me out of the story a little bit, is that it is fairly obvious (or was to me) that this story has been translated into English. The dialogue and phrasing are such that the language didn't quite flow as we expect it to in English. That said, I just reminded myself I was reading in subtitles! There was no bad language, no sex, and surprise, surprise, the story was still great. That is something I definitely appreciate sometimes, although I think we have become somewhat accustomed to that now. Overall I recommend this book, and will search out more by this author! (less)