Seven days is not a very long time, but it was interminable for the Birch family. Everyone had a secret.
At first I feared the characters would be stereotypical the stiff journalist father, Andrew; the spoiled egocentric daughter Phoebe; Olivia, a doctor in an organization
…more similar to Doctors without Borders who looked down on her family for taking creature comforts for granted and Emma, the mother, who kept quiet about all her years of pent up frustrations. Lack of communication was the theme and the cause of a lot of unnecessary pain.
The book is written from five different point of views, but it flows easily between the characters. I loved the descriptions that Ms. Hornak used: "...the horsehair mattress - so soft one longed for snorkel." was one of my favorites.
Within a very short time I became completely engaged in the book and wanted to know (and also hoped) for everything to be resolved. This would be very good choice for a book club and I sincerely hope Ms. Hornak is already writing her next novel. (less)