Daniel Mooney's "Me. Myself, and Them," explores a little discussed topic of men's emotional health and the reluctance imposed by our culture for men to ask for help. The main character, Denis, undergoes an horrific tragedy and copes with the aftermath by creating four housemates who rule his life. Mooney's descriptions are wonderful. For example. he described Denis's friend, Frank, had a "well-trimmed beard that stuck to his jawline." I could immediately visualize all of the characters in this book, even the imaginary housemates in Denis's house. Also quite well done is the depiction of Denis's obsession with order and routine. However, after midway through, this book began to drag for me. Some of the plot development should have been tightened. At times, I felt like Mooney was attempting to hit me over the head with his message. Overall, I would recommend this book for its purpose although not necessarily for its brevity.