Nemesis: Project Nemesis Book One
by Brendan Reichs
Just... No (11/16/2018)
The only good character in this book is Tack, and the author does nothing with him.
All of the characters in Nemesis are one dimensional and we find ourselves hating the characters we are supposed to root for. Min’s only character trait is that she rebels against everything and Noah is just a whiny follower the entire book. The relationship between the two is also very forced, they don’t even know each other when they “feel drawn to each other.”
The plot of the book was original enough to keep me reading, but the second book renders all the events of this book practically useless.
They even pulled the “Luke, I am your father card.” That cliche is so old and overdrawn, it was a sign that I probably should’ve stopped reading right then.
In conclusion, the only good aspect of the book is Tack and the author does nothing with him.