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Reviews by Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews

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Counterfeit: A Novel
by Kirstin Chen
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Surprise ending, but just an ok read for me (6/10/2022)
Is it real or a fake?

With Winnie you couldn't tell, but beware it IS a fake.

Winnie and Ava had met in college and hadn't seen each other for twenty years. Why did Winnie contact Ava after all of these years?

Ava found out what Winnie wanted, and she couldn't resist. She could use this extra money to help her son with his delayed speech and tantrums.

What Winnie reconnected with Ava for was to help her run a high-end purse scam.

We meet Ava as she is telling the story to a detective since they were caught. Well...Ava was caught...Winnie took off.

COUNTERFEIT made me a bit nervous, and I felt nervous for Ava since she was a lawyer.

If you are in the mood for something different and also in the mood for a book that will make you wonder if the purse you have is real or fake, you will enjoy this book.

The ending has a big surprise, but it was just an ok read for me. 3/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.
The Favor: A Novel
by Nora Murphy
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - FANTASTIC DEBUT (6/2/2022)
I have seen that woman before, but where?

That is the question McKenna asked herself when she saw Leah shoot her husband.

Why would she do that? She did say she is the same as me, but what did that mean?

What it meant is that she was an abused wife too and was happy one of them was safe now, but how did Leah know McKenna was abused?

Leah just knew by the few times she passed her home and from what she saw. That still didn’t explain why she would shoot a stranger.

McKenna was actually relieved and was most likely the prime suspect…the spouse always is.

Then something happens that brings these two women who didn’t know each other together again. What could that be?

Ms. Murphy did an amazing job of keeping you guessing and writing a fantastic thriller.

I couldn’t put the book down.

THE FAVOR vividly pictures domestic abuse that these two women are going through and the difficulties of staying in the marriage and the difficulties of leaving no matter what your social status was.

It also addresses to what extremes an abused wife would go to escape, but still keep what really goes on a secret.

Fantastic debut…this is a book thriller fans won’t want to miss. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.
Shadows of Berlin: A Novel
by David R. Gillham
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Another Gem by Mr. Gillham (4/20/2022)
The trauma, horror, and survivor guilt never leave you...Rachel knows it all very well.

Rachel is now in America and married to Aaron, but her time during the war haunts her, and she can't be happy.

We follow Rachel as she can’t help re-living the horror and tries to be a good American wife.

She resents that Aaron has family and she has lost everyone but Uncle Fritz. She had lived with Uncle Fritz when they came to America until she married Aaron. Uncle Fritz can be an "operator." He was during the war and still appears to be.

Rachel goes through her days with the smallest thing reminding her of the war and her crime and speaks to and sees her critical mother.

One day Uncle Fritz who always needs money summoned her to meet him because he found a painting in a pawn shop her mother had painted and one that had survived the war. The only problem is that they couldn't afford the fifty dollars to buy it. When they went back to try to get it at a cheaper price, the painting had been sold.

That photo brought back bad memories, but she wants it.

Rachel doesn't trust her Uncle and thinks he found fifty dollars and took the painting and sold it for more money.

We go back and forth from wartime to present day as Mr. Gillham masterfully blends both timelines and as you are feeling what Rachel is feeling during the horror of wartime and her suffering in present day as she tries to forget and to adapt to her life in America.

SHADOWS OF BERLIN is another gem by Mr. Gillham that will tear at your heartstrings but also have you hoping that Rachel can overcome her nightmares and be happy. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher for an honest review.
The Lies I Tell: A Novel
by Julie Clark
LOVED IT - Elizabeth @Silver'sReviews (3/22/2022)
Meg definitely knew how to lie and to con people.

She knew how to con because of her rough childhood and having to live in a car after her mother's boyfriend conned them out of their house.

She made it her goal to ruin him.

In the meantime, Meg would research someone in the news that had troubles, but she also made sure they had a nice place to live and money that she could make disappear into her own account.

She always made sure her past was covered up and no one could really find out who she was.

But Kat did find her and did know her and made it her goal to ruin Meg's life the way Meg ruined Kat's life ten years ago. She wants to expose Meg by writing a book about her cons.

Can Kat do it? Or does Meg have a plan of her own for Kat? Meg is pretty cunning.

We follow Kat as she makes friends with Meg, as Meg investigates Kat because she doesn't believe the story Kat tells her, as Meg keeps conning, and as they both try to seek revenge on who they want to ruin.

Will they both do what they sought to do?

My money was on Meg. She really was a major con artist with cons that were ones difficult to believe people would fall for.

Kat seemed too naive to trip up Meg.

THE LIES I TELL is a psychological thriller that will keep you guessing, have you shaking your head, and one that you won't want to put down. 5/5

This book was given to me for an honest review.
The Last Chance Library
by Freya Sampson
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Lovely, Feel-Good Read (3/22/2022)
The beloved library can't be shut down.

What will the people of Chalcot Library do without this meeting place and the books?

June worked as a library assistant and was a very shy, sheltered person.

Learning that the city was going to shut down the library was devastating to her. June knew nothing else.

Her library wasn't just about books, it was also about the people in the town having some place to go to socialize.

When some of the older patrons decided to fight about keeping the library, June joined in too.

THE LAST CHANCE LIBRARY is a sweet, feel-good read and has great characters.

Some are funny, some are feisty, and some are just loyal library patrons.

Fighting to keep libraries open is a great theme, and one that is echoing all around.

If you need a read that will make you smile, add this book to your reading queue.

It is a tribute to libraries, the comfort they provide for its patrons, and for everyone who uses the library for books and friendship.

I KNEW I was going to like this book, but I LOVED it!! 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Book of Cold Cases
by Simone St. James
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Thriller Fans will enjoy this book (3/16/2022)
Can it really be Beth Greer the Lady Killer?

Is she really granting me an interview after all this time when she wouldn't grant one to anyone else?

Shea Collins....receptionist by day and crime blogger of cold cases by night is thrilled that Beth is going to let her interview her.

She finds Beth to be very odd, and the mansion she lives in even more odd. It seems to have ghosts…things move around, noises appear out of nowhere, voices talk to you, and her parents’ things are still sitting where they left them.

This was going to be a welcome but tough case. Luckily a few other characters helped Shea with the case…Michael…a detective, and Winston Purrchill…a cat that was left on her doorstep.

The research and the book move us back to 1960 when Beth was a child, then to 1977 when Beth was accused of the murder, and then to present day when Beth and Shea become friends and learn about each other and about the case.

Should Shea be careful around Beth, though, since she still wasn’t sure Beth was the killer and wrongly accused but never know.

THE BOOK OF COLD CASES moved slowly along, but the tension and underlying suspense ramped up when we met Lily. And just who is Lily?

Fans of Simone St. James won't want to miss her chilling, ghostly, can't-put-down newest.

Ohhhh so good. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.
The Heights
by Louise Candlish
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews says: Thriller Fans will enjoy this book (3/6/2022)
Mothers always know best don't they?

Ellen knew Kieran was bad news and didn't want him being friends with her son Lucas.

She couldn't talk her son out of spending time with Kieran. All the insisting didn't get the point across and ended up with Lucas being in a car accident with Kieran.

Ellen couldn't forgive Kieran, and when Kieran came back to town after his time in jail, she couldn't get over seeing him alive and not her son.

We follow Ellen, Lucas, Vic, Justin, Freya, and Kieran as the story unfolds from when Lucas was in high school to when Kiernan comes back to town.

What will a mother do to avenge her child?

There is an underlying tension and you know something bad did happen and is going to happen, but what is it?

You will also ask yourself what the significance of THE HEIGHTS is.

The book did drag a bit, but the overall story line ends well.

Surprises and the characters will keep you turning the pages.

Thriller fans will enjoy this book. 4/5

This book was given to me by the publisher both in print and via NetGalley for an honest review.
Burial Rites
by Hannah Kent
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Writing and Prose is exceptional (2/17/2022)
Marvelous, incredible, beautifully told.

A murderess who must be housed at a farm because there is a financial problem with the prisons? How would you feel about being forced to live with someone who committed murder? Would you feel safe? Would you protest?

Agnes Magnusdóttir was brought to Margret and Jon's home until her execution date. Agnes is required to work as a farmhand in a town that embellishes her murderous deeds more and more each time the tale is told. BURIAL RITES is based on an actual historical event in Iceland.

In alternating voices and flashbacks the author masterfully lets the reader in on the secrets and the story of the murders and of Agnes' life before her conviction and in her current position in the chosen household.

The author also has you questioning if Agnes has been wrongfully accused. Her flashbacks describe the actual murder, her relationship with the deceased, and her earlier life. A life lived in this same town holding her captive.

The writing and prose is exceptional. The book flows beautifully as it describes the harsh life in Iceland and the bitter weather. There is no lull in the narration.

The book's descriptions are amazing. Every minute detail is described beautifully. Even the dreary, tedious life of each character is described so well you see it clearly and are right there sharing their misery. The living conditions were described as on the poverty level but the families had servants....that was a bit confusing.

Everyone was poised to not like Agnes, but as the story unfolded the family became fond of her simply because she was a good person and a good worker. The only person who didn't like her was Lauga, the daughter of Margret and Jon. Margret became comfortable with Agnes and enjoyed having her around. Each of the characters connected well and are marvelously authentic and believable.

BURIAL RITES is a book that you do not want to miss. The book's situation and setting, the writing, and the characters are all phenomenal and come alive through the author's exquisite skill. 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation at the BEA by the publisher in return for an honest review.
The Christie Affair: A Novel
by Nina de Gramont
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Did You Know She Disappeared For A Short Time? (2/2/2022)
Nan O’Dea already had a history when she met and had an affair with Archie Christie, husband of Agatha Christie.

The infidelity on Archie’s part caused his wife to disappear for 11 days with everyone thinking Agatha had killed herself.

The story of Agatha Christie's disappearance was very interesting, and I wasn’t aware this happened.

Agatha’s story was enjoyable. Nan’s story was not enjoyable at first but became better especially when secrets about her emerged. She wasn’t a nice person or should I say she was a calculating person.

As the story unfolds, we get to know Agatha through the author’s detailed, fluid writing style. We also learn about Nan and her plans.

There are a few twists and surprises, and overall THE CHRISTIE AFFAIR was good.

The way Ms. de Gramont wrapped up the book was clever.

Historical fiction fans and Agatha Christie fans will enjoy this book very much. It will also be enjoyable for those who didn’t know the facts about Agatha Christie's disappearance and her husband’s infidelity. I only knew her as a terrific author. 4/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Surviving Savannah
by Patti Callahan
What fun to do research for a sunken ship.

The Pulaski was finally found after sinking in 1838.

Everly Winthrop was given the task of finding what really happened to The Pulaski.

We also meet Lilly who was on the sunken luxury ship.

SURVIVING SAVANNAH takes us back and forth in time as we learn about Lilly Longstreet’s privileged life and then the terror of trying to save herself, her nursemaid, and her baby. Many wealthy families were on board.

We then move to present day as Everly does the research and deals with issues of her own.

Ms. Callahan included very interesting information from her amazing, thorough research along with her marvelous writing and story line.

The story line flowed well from one time period to the next.

The characters were well developed and ones you will cheer on and love.

I loved learning about Savannah and about this ship. I had never heard of this event.

SURVIVING SAVANNAH will pull you into the mystery of The Pulaski and have you wanting to know everything uncovered and everything about Savannah.

Historical fiction fans and fans of Savannah will enjoy this book.

A truly addictive read you won't want to put down. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Magnolia Palace: A Novel
by Fiona Davis
Elizabeth @Silver's Reviews - Another Fiona Davis Gem (1/26/2022)
Lillian, known as Angelica in the art world, was beside herself after her mother died and was running out of jobs and money.

Her landlord was hounding her to pay rent when he murdered his wife and the police found a note from her that was a bit compromising. They thought Lillian was in on the murder so they could be together.

Lillian escaped out the fire escape when the police arrived, slept on a bench in Central Park for the night, and accidentally was drawn into the Frick Mansion for a job she hadn't applied for but got hired.

Lillian worked for Miss Helen the daughter of Fricks. She was a task master, and Lillian became involved in all the good and bad things happening in that household.

Then in 1966 we meet Veronica a model and Joshua a museum curator.

Veronica was in the Frick Museum for a photo shoot when she was sent out of the room and then became lost in the mansion. When all the models and crew left, she was locked in the museum. That's where she met Joshua and where they worked together on a scavenger hunt that was decades old and was a hunt devised by Helen Frick for her suitor.

Veronica had stumbled upon the clues as she was fumbling her way around in the dark, slipped, and saw pages sticking out of organ pipes. The pages revealed something similar to a game of clue. The clues mention the Magnolia Diamond.

What could the Magnolia Diamond be?

Did Helen hide it in this museum all those years ago when it was the residence of the Frick family?

Would Veronica find it?

What was its significance to the Frick family?

Since Veronica was stuck in the museum, she figured she would have to let Joshua in on this game and solve the clues together. Why not try to find the Magnolia Diamond. They had nothing else to do. It could be very valuable and get Veronica out of debt.

The hunt lead to solving mysteries that were fifty years old.

The blending of the two time lines and the intriguing story line is signature Fiona Davis as she again gives us another wonderful history lesson.

THE MAGNOLIA PALACE is a gem with a mystery, a murder, a famous family, and memorable characters you will connect with and a book you will not want to miss. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Last House on the Street: A Novel
by Diane Chamberlain
Elizabeth @Silver's Reviews - Great for Historical Fiction Fans (1/11/2022)
We move back and forth from 1965 to 2010 America.

1965: We learn about the SCOPE (Summer Community Organization and Political Education) program and meet Ellie who leaves to help with getting folks registered to vote through this program.

Ellie’s family is not happy she will be doing this, and her boyfriend Reed Miller is definitely not happy, but he lets her go.

2010: We meet Kayla who along with her husband designed and built a huge house in a new development but whose husband fell to his death while the house was under construction.

A few days before Kayla is to move into her home, even though she doesn’t want to move in now that her husband is dead, a woman comes to her office and tells her to not move into that house and says she feels like killing someone.

Kayla does move into the house, though, with her father’s encouragement even though she finds out from a letter in her husband’s things that her father suggested they not build there.

An unknown surprise also awaits Kayla a few houses down from her new home. She meets Ellie who has no reaction when Kayla tells her that Reed Miller is her father.

What a connection after all these years between Reed and Ellie.

And wonder what happened on this street that has people saying the woods are haunted?

When threats start happening, Kayla wonders why she moved here.

Maybe she shouldn’t have built a house here. Maybe the woods are haunted.

Back to 1965:

We follow Ellie as she does the canvassing with the group and as she tries to keep out of any trouble.

I never knew of this organization or the danger the members were in.

Ahead to 2010:

We see Kayla and Ellie interact and feel the tension when Kayla’s father’s name is mentioned again. She has to find out what it means.

When Kayla meets Brenda, her warning about not living in her new house is chilling but she defends her choice to move in.

THE LAST HOUSE ON THE STREET is an emotional, heartbreaking, well-researched, educational read.

Another book historical fiction fans will not want to miss with shocking ending revelations. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Never Saw Me Coming: A Novel
by Vera Kurian
An odd story line (9/9/2021)
Chloe was admitted to a number of colleges, but she chose this particular college because she would receive a full scholarship and get to participate in a study for psychopaths. She also chose this college because a boy who raped her when she was twelve would be attending, and she planned to kill him.

Will had no clue what she was up to and didn't recognize her until one night that Chloe drugged him and attempted to kill him at a party.

As all this was going on, a serial killer was murdering students in the psychopath program. Chloe was worried she would be next.

We follow Chloe as she tries to find out who the killer is and as she is protecting herself. She does risky things.

I honestly didn’t like any of the characters, and the story line was just ok for me.

My rating is upped from a 2/5 to a 3/5 because the author put so much time and work into the book.

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The House We Grew Up In
by Lisa Jewell
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - A good one (9/2/2021)
Four children then three, traditional chocolate-Easter-egg hunts ?where you had to save the foil wrappings, a tidy house and then a very cluttered one.

The Bird family was loving but very eccentric with Lorelei, the mother, being the oddest of all and who kept a secret that made her hold onto things.

Colin her husband re-installed the wall in their once duplex house and lived next door to his wife, Megan turned out to be a neat freak, Beth never left home until she was 30 because she thought her mother needed her, and the twins were total opposites as well as having a tragic incident happen to them.

There were a lot of strange things about the Birds, but they all loved each other. As the years went on and the children grew into adults?, Lorelei still held onto their childhood toys, clothes, blankets, ?and even drawings as she herself remained an adult? child and a compulsive shopper and hoarder. The children couldn't believe what was in their childhood home when they visited and how they had to navigate through a small path surrounded with things Lorelei just had to have and couldn't part with.

If you want to read a book that will have you shaking your head but also not wanting to put the book down because of total enjoyment, you will want to read THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN. The storyline and writing were marvelous.

I enjoyed THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN because of the unique, creative storyline with characters that kept you wanting to know how each of their lives would turn out. They all were quite unconventional, but you couldn’t help but love them.

THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN will have you thinking back to your childhood and wonder if what happened in the home you grew up in has actually shaped you into the person you are today.

We definitely can't forget the cover. It is absolutely gorgeous with the egg being the basis of the Bird family's many memories of their Easter egg hunts which kept them all connected.

Along with being a beautifully told story, THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN has a happy ending along with characters you will remember long after you turn the last page.

I don't think there will be any reader no matter what their preferred genre is who won't get caught up in this splendid story.

My rating is going to be a 4/5 simply because I was lost in the beginning pages, but the rest of the book definitely made up for my being lost.

Make THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN a must read for yourself.

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.
The Last Chance Library
by Freya Sampson
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - LOVED IT...A Tribute to Libraries (8/31/2021)
The beloved library can't be shut down.

What will the people of Chalcot Library do without this meeting place and the books?

June worked as a library assistant and was a very shy, sheltered person.

Learning that the city was going to shut down the library was devastating to her. June knew nothing else.

Her library wasn't just about books, it was also about the people in the town having some place to go to socialize.

When some of the older patrons decided to fight about keeping the library, June joined in too.

THE LAST CHANCE LIBRARY is a sweet, feel-good read and has great characters.

Some are funny, some are feisty, and some are just loyal library patrons.

Fighting to keep libraries open is a great theme, and one that is echoing all around.

If you need a read that will make you smile, add this book to your reading queue.

It is a tribute to libraries, the comfort they provide for its patrons, and for everyone who uses the library for books and friendship.

I KNEW I was going to like this book, but I LOVED it!!

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Echo Wife
by Sarah Gailey
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - Not for me (8/9/2021)
How could there be someone with the exact DNA as you?

That could happen if you were cloned.

Evelyn and Martine had the same DNA.

Evelyn was married to Nathan - both were scientists.

Evelyn and Nathan started to drift apart, but Nathan still wanted his wife. To keep her, he cloned Evelyn into Martine.

Clones were not to live long. What did Nathan do to keep Evelyn alive?

THE ECHO WIFE is way out there and the most bizarre book I have ever read.

What the characters did isn't possible in my eyes, and all the scientific information was wordy and tedious for me.

Sci-fi fans and readers who enjoy an unbelievable story line should enjoy this book.

This book was given to me via the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Reading List
by Sara Nisha Adams
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - a feel-good, sweet, clever read (8/6/2021)
Books and libraries bring people together, and in this sweet, heartwarming read, Alisha and Mukesh bond over books and help others do the same.

Alisha had never liked books, but she worked in a library.

Mukesh had never read a book in his life, but his wife was an avid reader. When he met Alisha she wasn't too friendly, but then one day they bonded.

Alisha found a reading list with books that she read and that she shared and discussed with Mukesh. In fact, that reading list was found all over town tucked in books, in grocery stores, and in any place where someone would likely find it.

The mystery is who wrote “The Reading List.”

THE READING LIST is an alluring, uplifting book that proves the magic power of books and their ability to connect people in so many ways.

It also addresses the importance of libraries to help bring people and ideas together.

Readers who enjoy a feel-good, sweet, clever read will want to add this book to their "reading list" this summer.

What can be better than a book promoting the love of books and libraries and how they change your life and can bring you closer to others.

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Emily's House
by Amy Belding Brown
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - excellent (8/5/2021)
They are selling Emily’s house? That can’t be.

Emily loved The Homestead and so did Margaret.

Emily Dickinson’s maid, Margaret Maher, was her confidant, best friend, and was the one who kept Emily writing her poetry and kept Emily from disposing of her work.

Margaret was with the Dickinson family for over 35 years.

We follow Margaret as she becomes close with the Dickinson women and serves as their maid, and then the book moves back and forth from her time with the Dickinsons to present day where she owns her own boarding house.

EMILY’S HOUSE had me glued to the pages because of the story line and because of Ms. Belding Brown’s writing. Her writing is pull you in and descriptive with interesting insight into the class structure and the plight of Irish Immigrants.

EMILY’S HOUSE is a wonderful account of the lives of both Emily and Margaret.

I didn’t know Emily Dickinson was so eccentric and was mostly reclusive. I also didn't know she didn't want her poetry published and hid her writings from everyone by hiding them throughout the house.

Ms. Belding Brown did excellent research, and this book was a wonderful history lesson for me.

This book had me completely absorbed, and I totally enjoyed this book even though I am not a fan of poetry.

Hands down a 5/5.

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Child
by Fiona Barton
Elizabeth@Silver'sReviews - It will keep you guessing (7/27/2021)
An unsolved mystery resurfaced when a baby's skeleton was found at a building site.

Along with the skeleton, three main characters emerge too. Kate is a reporter investigating the story. Emma is a nervous adult who became intrigued as well as possessed when she sees the story of the baby. Angela is the mother whose baby disappeared more than 40 years ago never to be found.

THE CHILD took a while to get interesting simply because it was a bit slow, and there were too many characters thrown in. I was lost with so many different characters and couldn't seem to figure out the connection until around half way through the book so don’t give up because it is worth the wait.

As the pages turned and I reached the halfway point, the book started making a connection for me and kept my attention. The mystery became intriguing.

The characters seemed genuine for their roles, but something was odd and different about each of them.

This was my first book by Ms. Barton so I imagine I needed to get used to her writing style and her attention to detail.

There are some good twists to the story as well as some disturbing subjects that are addressed.

All in all, THE CHILD is a good read that will keep you guessing. 4/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher and NetGalley in return for an honest review.
The Other Passenger
by Louise Candlish
Not a favorite (7/20/2021)
Friends living together, friends meeting on commutes to work, marital affairs, and now a missing friend and Jaime is the last one to see Kit alive.

We follow Jaime and Clare, Kit and Melia, and Gretchen, and Steve as we hear background information on all characters and their current shenanigans.

Everyone seems to be friendly, but some might be too friendly. We find out Jaime and Melia are having an affair. No one seems to know, but the police do when they are questioning Jaime.

There is a lot to absorb about each character, and when Kit goes missing you definitely can't figure out what's going on with each of them.

Can any of the characters trust each other? I wouldn’t have trusted any of them.

Just who is the other passenger who seems to be a witness to the fact that Jaime and Kit were in an argument before they left the commuter boat.

This book truly dragged for me, and I couldn't really connect with any of the characters.....they all were unlikable.

The story line was very confusing as well, but I do have to say the ending twist and the revelations were brilliant. 3/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley and in print in exchange for an honest review.

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