Funeral customs and beliefs vary significantly between cultures. A small glimpse of modern funeral customs in rural China is the redeeming part of this novel. The novel, at best, represents this one situation, but within the story, customs and beliefs are rather thoroughly discussed. The overall impression of this middle aged woman's life is that it is joyless, loveless and hopeless. Nothing suggests a better life before or to come. I cannot decide if the blandness of the story, the almost nonexistent plot or a cultural disconnect is responsible for the disheartening overall feeling left by the story. References to weak family connections, little hope for future life comforts, superstition rather than a belief system and no reliance on community or government, makes this reading experience feel more like a manifestation of Orwell's masterpiece novel 1984, than a novel about village life in China. Despite the dismal lives that inhabit this novel, the small glimpses inside rural China may rescue the book for some readers.