Laila Lalami's novel The Dream Hotel explores the growing reach of technology and the extent it infringes on our privacy, and ultimately, our freedom. In The Dream Hotel, Lalami asks, "What if someday even dreams are monitored?" Then, takes it one step further, asking, "What if our dreams can indict us?"
In an interview (https://lailalalami.com/the-dream-hotel/q-a/), the author indicated her intention was to write a "futuristic novel tethered to a recognizable present." She certainly succeeds, as the depiction of a highly surveilled carceral society is troublingly plausible.
Would shelf this alongside Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale or George Orwell's 1984 for its thought-provoking premise. However, I did find the ending somewhat abrupt and anti-climactic.