Well! Huh! What was that I just read?
Well, it was wonderful, for one thing. It was inventive, original, engaging, humorous, and compelling. The City We Became crackles from first word to last with an energy perhaps unique to N.K. Jemisin, a sort of take-no-prisoners
…more attitude toward the world she is writing which seems to say to the reader, "Keep up! Those left behind will not be rescued!"
Manny is a newcomer to New York City. But Manny was not his name a few minutes before he stepped off the subway in Grand Central. It was something else, but he's not quite sure what. Now, whether he likes it or not, he has been transformed into something entirely other. What that is will become clear quite early in the novel, but I would still rather not reveal what that is.
But he is not alone. New York is a big place, consisting of five boroughs, and all of them are hungering for rebirth into something bigger, something which represents what they are in their essence, worlds apart and yet joined irrevocably in one great whole.
All is not well in New York City, though. There is an Enemy which does not want to see the city thrive, change, grow, and grow strong. That strength is inimical to the Enemy's broader plan. Manny and his cohorts must face this challenge (with the help of a couple of friends who have some prior experience with a similar transformation). If they do not survive, much more than their lives are at stake.
And that is just the beginning. What makes Jemisin so consistently beguiling and compulsively readable is her ability to feel deeply into her characters and bring their fears, dreams, hopes, and existential exhaustion to the fore and into our hearts. It is a magic trick that amazes and gladdens me. May she write forever, or at least long enough to finish this trilogy! I desperately need to know what happens next.... (less)