I was excited to read this book, however, my excitement diminished fairly quickly.
I enjoyed reading of Danielle's perfume lineage, her exceptional olfactory gift, her amazing intuition. I was taken with Sofia, her strength, her courage. Her presence was short lived but
…more powerful and affecting. Reading of Nicky and his plight was emotional. The ravages of war clearly depicted.
The narrative was too dramatic for my taste and all predictable. Multiple subplots served as a distraction, most left frayed. I felt as if I was reading a arduous task to weave multiple books into one attempt at capturing a solid plot. Too much going on for my taste, bottom line. Every character has heavy issues, at every corner doom dwells. Implausible and overdone. I could not relate to Danielle at all in regards to Nicky's missing status. Danielle lacked emotion, her demeanor drove me nuts, her manner was less than vanilla, bland would be generous.
Simply a matter of taste and this particular book wasn't my cup of tea. The majority will disagree and find Moran's effort exceptional. Admittedly I am in the minority. (less)