Meet Me at the Museum by Anne Youngson is unusual in that the entire story unfolds through correspondence between two people who have never seen each other, one in England and one in Denmark. I thought the premise of starting this correspondence because of a prehistoric man, 2,000 years old, was odd. I really never understood the significance of the Tollund Man to the story, except it got things going and it was something that had made Tina feel special because the archeologist who discovered the man dedicated his book to her and her classmates. The author had a personal connection to the find and so it must be her inspiration for creating this two people. I found the book thought provoking as these two unlike individuals, Kristian and Tina, became best of friends. Both of them were at a time in life when both have less time ahead then they have behind them. Both are questioning if they have made the correct choices in their lives. A reader of a certain age may find they also may have these same questions about their own life. As Tina and Kristian share their lives, their observations, and their hopes for their futures, they help each other make things clearer. The reader may also find some live questions become clearer. The writers are working through sadness, regret, but the message is a hopeful one. Should a person stop to pick the raspberries along the way? Should one look for new ones to pick? Does age matter when changing direction in a person's life? The characters are likable, believable, and the reader will cheer them on. I enjoyed the book.