It all starts with the Dunbar boys: Matthew, Rory, Henry, Clayton & Thomas. "A family of ramshackle tragedy". It is a tragic and beautiful story about a family that I grew to love more than anyone should love a group of fictional characters. But let me tell you what
…more expect. This is not an easy read. It is not something you can casually and comfortably read. It is a bit of hard work, especially in the beginning when you won't know what is going on. The writing will challenge you. It is often fragmented and sometimes almost poetic. It will force you to concentrate and you'll find yourself re-reading sentences to make sure you got it right. It is not at all linear. Downright patchy! However you do get used to the style and I grew to love it. I really can't imagine it being written any other way without diminishing the effect of the narrative. The relationships in this book touched me deeply, both the romantic relationships and the connection between the Dunbar brothers. I think it is probably now one of my favourite books and a real labour of love from the author. I feel like he must have left a little piece of himself in the pages. If you have the patience and time to do right by this book, I would highly recommend it. (less)