by Andrew J. Graff
The story's core revolves around two boys, Fish and Bread, who have formed friendships during several years of summer vacation time together. While their friendship has grown over the years, it is laden with secrets and lies that haunt them. One evening, after confronting one of these secrets, the ultimate crime happens. They flee into the forest and on the river to escape the consequences. While forging the river and all the elements that nature can deliver, they also find themselves and the truth. A cast of characters embarks on finding them. Two women, a mother and friend, and two men, a sheriff and grandfather, take different paths on the river and through the forest to save them. While on their own survival journeys, Mother Nature holds them all in her hands and teaches them life lessons. I would list this book under the genre of Young Adult reading, but with joyful satisfaction. After all, I think many of us have read Zusak's The Book Thief, Hinton's The Outsiders, or Lowry's The Giver and found them incredibly fulfilling.