I absolutely loved this book. I gave me such a beautiful cultural aspect that I have been missing my whole life. I grew up as a black girl in America with no cultural background to my roots. I have friends of multiple ethnicities who can say, "I'm Irish, Swedish, Mexican,
…more German, or Hmong." My family and I have no knowledge if our African roots are Nigerian, South African, Ghanian, etc. I was never able to relate to the kids in my class who knew their backgrounds. Although with this book being based in Orisha which I believe is Nigeria in our world. I loved the description of the land, the people and most importantly, the use of Yoruba (an language used in Nigeria as well as other African countries). This book was soooo relatable, it is the me.
There was so much politics, economic hardships, prejudice that made this so real. I enjoyed every aspect of this book. I am a slow reader, so it took me time to get through this book, but part 2 Children of Virtue and Vengeance there was so much action that I could not help to but read that rapidly! (less)