The highest praise I can give "Take My Hand" is that it left me a smarter person for having read it. This book engaged me from the very first page. The book made me think and opened my eyes, leaving me wanting, actually needing, to learn more about the historical backstory —- for me, the hallmarks of an exceptional book. I loved it!
Powerful, thought-provoking, beautifully written. The characters - their emotions, convictions, struggles, and relationships, came alive in the pages of "Take My Hand." The story, built around a candid and troubling look at a case of reproductive injustice in Alabama, flowed easily going back a forth between the 70's and current (2016).
This book, while historical fiction, tackles topics still very relevant to our time. It is "must read" for book clubs willing to have meaningful, and possibly tough, discussions - not only about the book, but about the topics of civil rights, structural racism, and women's reproductive rights.