Whether or not you believe in psychics or mediums, "Some of It Was Real" is an entertaining book. Sylvie, the psychic/medium, gets a visit from Thomas, a journalist who wants to expose her as a fraud.
Sylvie is an orphan who remembers none of her life before her adoptive
…more parents. Thomas grew up with his mother following a car crash that killed his father and brother. From his preparation for his article about her, he also knows more about Sylvie's past than she does.
Sylvie doubts herself. She doesn't know how much of her success is due to the research she does about her subjects before each show and how much has its origin in her unusual abilities. She has given remarkably accurate predictions at times-- without any preparation.
Thomas wants to dislike Sylvie. Sylvie doesn't want to lose her livelihood. Both become convinced that Sylvie needs to learn what happened in her forgotten first six years of life.
Nan Fischer tells the story from both Sylvie's and Thomas's viewpoints, alternating chapters to do so.
Fischer lets the reader make up his/her mind about mediums and psychics. The rest of the main characters' stories may be at least equally important anyway. (less)