The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher was not my cup of tea. I struggled with this one. I still rate it four stars because there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Many people will fall head over heels in love with this book. So, let me explain.
I think it took me a week
…more to read this book. I kept putting it down and then found I was not excited to pick it up again. A week is a long time for me to read a book. The book was on the low key side and that's OK. I'm not sure I cared about the subject matter and I should have because I don't believe in banned books. James Joyce's Ulysses was banned and is now hailed as an important book and turning point in literature. I just wasn't passionate about the whole process.
The writing was beautiful. You could tell the author loved her subject and the characters she brought to life in the story. I would not have know any of this history without this book. So, I'm thankful for the knowledge she imparted to her readers.
I've never been to Paris and enjoyed the setting and learning of everyday life there. Again, this is a worthwhile book. It was worth my time. For me, it was not a book I couldn't put down. I finish 99.9 percent of everything I start and usually find an appreciation for the book by the time I finish. The Paris Bookseller was not an exception. I urge readers to pick up a copy of this book. (less)