In the Japanese culture and literature, cats hold an important place and appear as good luck charms capable of bringing blessings to their owners. This novel is narrated by Nana, a stray cat who, after being hit by a car, is taken in to recuperate by a young man named
…more Satoru. He his provided with all he can eat, a warm bed, a friendly human and the occasional walk, He is always ready to leave but soon grows fond of his new master and, once recovered, decides to stay.
Many years later, changes in Satoru's life appear that make it necessary to find Nana a new home. Together they begin their travels in search of the cat's new home. Why Satoru has to part with his beloved friend is a mystery but soon both the reader and Nana's understanding grows to understand his predicament.
Anyone who's ever had a cat will be moved by this beautifully evoked road trip thus proofing the old adage. . . "It's not the journey that counts, but who's at your side." The author brings to the reader a powerful message about the value of friendship and solitude. It shows, above all, how acts of love, both great and small, can transform our lives. Expect this book to pull at your heartstrings – but in the best possible way, without becoming overly sentimental. This is a novel with wide appeal. (less)