The story opens in 2023, when Sylvia, a costume conservator with the Smithsonian Museum of American History, finds a hidden tag on one of the dresses to be displayed, and asks “Who the hell is Zora Lily?”
The author then takes us on a wonderful journey through the 1920s in Seattle. Zora’s life is not easy, helping her mother earn money through sewing and mending, and watching after her younger siblings. But she has dreams, and despite setbacks, she won’t give up realizing them. With her best friend Rose encouraging her, Zora begins going to the clubs downtown, seeing a world foreign to her, one that eventually opens doors and opportunities.
This was a book I couldn’t stop reading. I’ve read other books set in the 1920s but Salazar painted a vivid picture of the times....the speakeasys, prohibition, poverty and wealth. And her characters were real. I particularly liked that she told Zora’s story and then came back to 2023 and finished Sylvia’s story. The ending was perfect. Highly recommend.