A thoroughly engaging work of historical fiction that blends characters in two different time periods in Russia. In 1991, Rosie (Raisa), who is of Russian heritage, becomes a research assistant to a famous dissident writer, Alexey Ivanov. His "research" involves Russia, so Rosie accompanies him to find answers and face demons related to her childhood. Concurrently, Loesch spins a tale of Antonina (Tonya) and Valentin as they experience life, love, upheaval, and betrayal during the turbulent period of Russia's history (1916-1943). While it may appear that the characters in their respective time periods are discrete, Loesch uses a combination of fact, fiction, and fairy tale to weave a thread that unites their stories in a meaningful and intriguing way. I found this book exciting because of its Russian history, dimensionality of its characters and the mystery associated with the relationships between all the characters.