A Girl is A Body of Water
by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
"A Girl is a Body of Water" Atmospheric and wordy (7/28/2020)
I would prefer to give this 3.5 stars because parts of "A Girl..." could use some heavy editing. I found the first part (200 pages) to be very slow. I actually put the book down for a few weeks. I picked it up again about a week ago and flew through the last part. I will attempt to recreate my favorite elements list:
1. The characters of Kirabo, Sio (yes he redeems himself in the end), Atim (Kirabo's friend from St. Theresa's), Nsuuta, Alikisa (Grandmother), all of the Aunts and Grandfather Miiro.
2. The final scene of Alikisa and Nsuuta - naked bathing in the rain - so beautiful and poignant and ties everything together.
3. The parts where Kirabo was at St. Theresa's - wished that she continued with University - perhaps another book
Less than favorites:
1. The stepmother Nnambi and her sister - felt contrived and overwrought - also did not understand certain decisions the sister made (won't get into that - plot spoiler).
2. Giibwa and Sio - was that even necessary - I understand why the friendship between Giibwa and Kirabo disintegrated but not sure why the other element was introduced - the friendship would have ended without that. Again, I don't want to spoil plots.
3. Kirabo's father's story Arc went on for a bit longer than necessary - sharper editing would have helped.
The overwhelming opinion of this book is that the last 350 pages where beautifully written and took me away to Uganda in the mid 1980s and beyond. That is no mean feat during these trying times so I applaud the author for accomplishing that feat. I look forward to her next book and perhaps she will continue the story of Kirabo.