Not sure what I expected from this book, but it was, for sure, a very educational experience! At times I even laughed out loud at the nonsensical acts of leadership and blatant lies fed to the general public by North Korean leaders .... and they were believed! It is hard,
…more as a free American, to wrap your mind around the complete lack of freedom and brain washing that has been forced on the citizens of North Korea ... for nothing more than the edification of their leader. For that reason, I found the book a slow read. I would absolutely recommend this book because I assume others have the same lack of knowledge about North Korea. It has now sparked my interest in another new book just released about North Korea by a woman who posed as a teacher for a year in an elite school there. Who knew there were areas of our world still kept in the dark like this? I knew .... but after reading this book .... realized I still had NO idea the extent of the darkness. (less)