The Flower Sisters by Michelle Collins Anderson is a standout! I loved this book. It is based on a tragic event in 1928,at a dance hall in Missouri. This book is a page turner, surprising you with clever twists and a bombshell you won't see coming. It's pacing was good and the characters had a depth that kept you caring and interested in them to the last page. Particularly, I really enjoyed the main character Daisy, who, as a teenager, despite a sad and neglectful upbringing, makes a choice to resist feeling sorry for herself or indulge in self destructive behavior. Instead she follows a path that sparks her interest and goes ahead and takes a daring risk to see where it may lead. I see this as a pivotal part of the book and loved it. In my opinion, too many characters we read about suffer difficulties and then proceed to a downward spiral. This book was a like a breath of fresh air, depicting the resilience of people who journey through tragedy only to discover anew, the role of forgiveness and the meaning of community. It's a must-read!