The Islamic Jesus: How the King of the Jews Became a Prophet of the Muslims
by Mustafa Akyol
A respectable attempt to find a historical Islamic Jesus. Encourages Muslims to Follow Jesus (10/7/2023)
The author puts together a respectably thorough effort to find evidence that Jesus's life and teachings are consistent with Islam. He does well to encourage Muslims to find inspiration and follow Jesus in the way of love and peace. His arguments naturally undermine the orthodox Christian understanding of Jesus and his disciples. In the process to substantiate these arguments he necessarily ignores or interprets historical or scriptural evidence in rather spectacular ways, brushes aside or completely ignores clear contradictions in the conclusions he must make, and finally he creates caricatures of Christianity and Judaism, (and sometimes even mainstream Islam) in an attempt to find a remnant Islamic version that was allegedly swallowed up by “Pauline” Christianity and only recovered 600 years later by the prophet Muhammad.