Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth
by Sarah Smarsh
Tough life in Middle America (2/26/2024)
A good look at white rural poverty in America's heartland Kansas. Sarah Smarsh gives a detailed portrayal of rural poverty stretched over three generations. She makes some heartfelt points, but a times buries one in her personal opinion and circumstances. Her in-depth portrayal of poverty and its effects on ones life are profound, however, I would liked to have seen more practical solutions to the problem. A great first time write, I would love to participate in a reading/interview session with her and ask some of the questions the book brings forth but are not answered in a complete, satisfying manner. Overall a significant work that most people should read and contemplate, the ongoing problem of poverty in the United States. I hope that Ms Smarsh will tour the west coast.
Rock Me on the Water: 1974-The Year Los Angeles Transformed Movies, Music, Television, and Politics
by Ronald Brownstein
History as it was (3/31/2022)
An outstanding work by Brownstein. He puts together culture, arts and politics extremely well. He makes 1974 happen all over again. His interviews with popular music stars are priceless. Weakest part on the book is his work with television, somewhat slow and unexciting, one keeps waiting for the chase scene. A must read book for all current history buffs. Love to read more of Brownstein's writings.