In his book, The Adventurer's Son, well-known scientist and explorer Roman Dial chronicles a parent’s worst fear and the two year search for his missing 27 years old adventurer son.
From the beginning to the end of the book, Mr. Dial's love for his son, as well as for his
…more wife and daughter, shines through. At the same time he puts a lens on his feelings of conflict at exposing his families to dangers not experienced by most American families. This includes not only extreme sports such as pack rafting dangerous rivers, ice climbing, mountain climbing, etc. but also accompanying him on scientific expeditions to some of the most extreme areas on earth. The Arctic Circle, tropical rain forests of Borneo, countries rife with poachers, smugglers, and drug runners, and numerous other locations all presented dramatic climates and dangerous plants and animals including the two legged human variety. The overriding question of the book is whether this, and instilling this need for thrill-adventure in his son, was good and right parenting.
The writing style is straightforward and journalistic, yet very moving and emotional. Inclusion of the author's youth, marriage and family life, and son's life prior to his going missing provide background for understanding the disappearance and search process.
Throughout the book I found myself for an improbable outcome. The strength of this family and their love for each other and the natural world shines through. (less)