The only good thing I can say about this book is that it was a gift, so I didn’t waste my own money on it.
From beginning to end, the storyline was all over the shop. Full of unbelievable and underdeveloped (if at all developed) characters who make no real change or become more likeable. The way the characters spoke to each other was cringey and not how any normal humans speak.
From the beginning, the way Frankie was treated for (understandably) being shocked that her BEST FRIEND was pregnant to and marrying her father (35 year age gap) put a bad taste in my mouth. I was hoping for a scandal surrounding the mother’s death when it was revealed she passed of… strep throat. But no, it was just strep throat. Bizarre choice.
And the ridiculous names of the characters! Ellabella Ballenger had me scoff out loud. Pure ridiculousness. And Frankie being Frankie Attelboro with a son named Attelboro… honestly Ubaldo would have been a better choice and that’s saying something…
The plot was painfully predictable and the only plot line (of so many incoherent plot lines) of any interest was dismissed within a few pages, with 0 follow up. You would think if we had to hear SO much about Frankie’s every inner musings, we would get some kind of introspection into a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE and the confirmation of her suspicions of Carlotta?? I guess not.
I literally made an account here to make this review. Never in my life have I read such a poor book, and I was a Twilight kid.
I’ve heard Mitchard’s other books are better. I’ll give them a chance to redeem this absolutely horrid experience. I only finished it because I’m stubborn. Do not recommend.