Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books by Kristen Miller
Narrated by: January LaVoy
This is all about the power of books ——
January does a wonderful reading of this provocative satirical read set in Troy, Georgia, a small southern town, in the spring and summer of 2024.
…more The town is in an uproar over banned books and “Lula’s Little Library” changes everything. Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books falls under the categories of censorship, politics, and satire fiction. It’s hysterical at times even though it deals with some heavy topics. The way the author delivered this was very clever. Some may think it’s too political, but it really doesn’t delve into the topics in detail. Themes of, the power of books, protecting southern small-town secrets, and information wars, are in the book. There are lessons for all in this read. A light read, with heavy topics…an oxymoron, but true. May ruffle a few feathers, especially for the more conservative. For me it’s more of a mature YA/Adult book because of the writing style. I will take a look at her other book, The Change, and I look forward to what she writes next.
Another reader, mentioned this and I believe she’s right: Interesting how the author chose the name Troy, for the town. Not sure if she chose the name “Troy” to be ironic or not. Think “Trojan Horse”. It’s a brilliant name for the town in this book.
Quote: …. “Betsy knew that a book hadn’t turned their son gay any more than the romance novels she’d once loved had made her a harlot”.
The novel includes discussions of violence, suicide, sexual assault, enslavement, physical and emotional abuse, antisemitism, anti-LGBTQ bias, and murder. (less)