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There is 1 reader review for Report From Ground Zero
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Billie Zahurak
Our reading group chose any number of books related to the events of 9/11/01 for our September 2002 meeting and I chose this one by Dennis Smith. What spoke to me most about this book is the fact that firefighters, before all else, are family. It truly is a brotherhood. Each firefighter ached at the loss of life at the WTC that September morning. The first half of the book is very interesting and a great, detailed read. You get moment-by-moment accounts of what happened from the firefighters who lived through it. The second half of the book, however, isn’t as enthralling. The second half is more of Mr. Smith’s diary in the days following 9/11. Mr. Smith cannot help but let his opinion enter into his words, as well (and I’m not saying that’s a good or bad thing). I learned a lot from this book and am certainly glad to have read it.