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The Arch correction
The book is interesting, but in reading it It is supposed to take place in the 40's and I hope everyone realizes that when Bobby goes to the baseball game in St Louis the Arch was not finished until 1965, so they could not have seen it gleaming; in fact the Arch just had its 50 year anniversary
I loved Welcome to the World, Baby Girl and was so thrilled to get my hands on this one that I tore through it in two days. However, much as I love Fanny Flagg's world and characters, I end up feeling like I have to carefully guard myself against nostalgia for a world I never knew. Okay, I come at this from the perspective of a 29 year old city girl, but I can't help but feel that small town life in the 1940's and 1950's wasn't nearly as precious and perfect as this book seems to make it out to be. In some ways, that lifestyle may have been much better than what most people have now, but in general I would say that the world is a better place than is was forty years ago. Also, as tempted as I am to envy the quite domestic life of Neighbor Dorothy, I am grateful that I have been given options in my life that she never would've had. However, I was grateful for the perspective of people like Macky Warren on the social changes that occurred after the Vietnam War. I also found myself slightly disappointed that there was only a slight mention of Dena Nordstrom. She and Gerry did actually move to Elmwood Springs and I was hoping to get a glimpse of how they fit into the town. Also, did anyone else notice that the time line Fanny Flagg developed in WTTWBG was contradicted in this book? What about Norma's successful campaign to revitalize Elmwood Springs in the 1980's? What about Dena starting her own radio show? I wanted to know more about these things. Maybe I wanted Welcome to the World, Baby Girl II.