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There are currently 47 reader reviews for Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II
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I loved this book. It reminded me of the things I have done or my friends have done. It brought back good memories and gave me advice on what to do if I ever come across anything in the future.
I liked it very much
Erin Britenbaugh
i think this is an amazing book. it really helped me out with my problems like when i was suffereing depression and what not.. i just wanted to say ever teen shold read these books becuas ethey are amazing and have lots of good messages to be shared. i really like the little stories beucas eu can read them in a short amount of time.
Most people I know would call this the,
<< Greatest Book of all Times >>
. I would have to agree. I think these books should continue to be written. They helped me in many ways and I can't say they won't help others. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!
I am 16 years old and my name is Lasha Orum And for any teens that are out there thats my age and are going through problems like with your family or friendship or even relationship and death. I think you all should send Chicken Soup For teens Tough stuff. That book help me out alot it help me get through alot of my problems with school, family and friends. And now I am doing so much better that I am willing to tell every body about this book so they can enjoy it too and get helped with there problems.
To all the readers out there good luck on this book and I hope it help you the way it helped me.
Lasha Orum
This book was great.
I reccommend this book to anyone. It changed my life by me reading the part about depression. I was in a down spill and instead on relapsing I read that book..and it uplifeted me. Everyone should give this book a try!
Being a teenager myself, i know how hard life can be. This book reminds me that i am not the only one facing these problems. I am definitely not the reading type, but it is impossible to get this book out of my hands!