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There are currently 4 reader reviews for Blonde Faith
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Say it ain't so, Walter!
I couldn't put the book down and the twists and turns in Easy's life made the book alive from start to, well, almost finish. I love Mosely's use of rainbow adjectives to describe the beautiful array of skin color among "the people". The characters in almost all of his books are so true to life, so human, and that is especially true in his E. Rawlins novels.
That said, Walter: I cried out at the ending and re-read the last few pages over, unable to believe what you'd written.
Blonde Faith
The choice of wording was more descriptive, more emotional, more final............etc.
I was afraid to finish reading the book. I did and now I'm at a loss.
A very good but troubling read.
Blonde Faith
I enjoyed this book although I found Easy overly melancholy. I just hope he's not dead !
Michael Haughton
Blonde Faith by Walter Mosely
Let me first start with the writer, Mr Moseley I must confess that I have never read a book with so much clear cut opening since I have been reviewing books. So let me thank you for a good opening which i believe most readers will surely appreciate.
Easy which is the main character was out on a mission to find a run away girl name Chevette. I like the clear cut plots as I understood every details of the plot. i was not happy, though at the phrase used by the writer and here is one such case: I nursed a cream soda.
Why would the writer uses that term of phrase? I believe it was not used for the best. The writer could just have said drink slowly and it would have been fine.
Easy had a lover named Bonnie. But it seemed that he lost her to another man. Most person could relate to that in real life. As Easy did his job as a private detective he was constantly thinking of her and how could he lost her to some one else.
I find this novel very straight forward and easy to read with no large amount of complex phrases or terms. I was indeed impress with the way the writer express himself.
I therefore will used a brief summary of plot in this short paragraph: Easy's longtime lover tells him that she plans to marry another man. In a world of hurt, Easy strikes out on his own to try to find one friend, save another, and save himself from the pain that is driving him out of his mind. On his path he meets drug dealers, corrupt officials, every manner of criminal and con—and a woman named Faith who may hold the key to more than one life.