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There are currently 2 reader reviews for My One Hundred Adventures
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I thought this book was a waste of my time. I thought it would be a very delightful book for a book report I had to do for my reading teacher. I WAS MISTAKEN because this book was one of the worst books I have ever read. I thought it was boring, not well written, and a not so good story line. Lastly, I thought this would be a chapter book. ITS NOT!!! It is a book with very boring short stories. I thought this would be something that would be a book I always cherish. I was sadly wrong. If I had to recommended this book to you I would say NOT!!!
My opinion
Hey, my opinion doesn't really matter, and I do suggest you read it, but I was waiting to get this book, and when I finally read it I was disappointed. Really! You never find out who her father is, or how many REAL adventures she had.