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There are currently 10 reader reviews for The Millionaire Next Door
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Millionaire next door
Very good.
This was a paradigm shift from the "greed is good" media message. Very informative and pleasant to read. I thought it would be full of boring stats but it broke down the information so that wherever you are in your life, you could easily begin implementing these basic principals for positive change.
For the younger generation (20's and below) this is a counterculture statement. That you can make it without stepping, spitting and stabbing others in the back on the way up. There are other peaceful reality-based successes, they need to know that.
Thanks for Dr.s Danko and Thomas
PS. Do you know it's hard to find this book in the resale/second hand stores?
Should be required reading for High School students. If not in school, it will be in my home.
This book changed my way of thinking about money and personal goals
The guy that hatedt his book probably wants to believe that millionaires are born and not made, or that luck plays an important part in becoming wealthy, but if you want to know the truth about wealth building, this book which details a stufy of the truly affluent and the commonalties of thier lifestyles is very revealing, a must read for anyone who wants to accumulate wealth.
"The Millionaire Next Door" was given to me as a gift from my dad several years ago, and let me say that it removes any myth of who the wealthy are in this country. The majority of them are not who you see in the news and are probably your neighbor if you live in a modest neighborhood. The tendencies of overconsumption and commercialization which began in the '80s and countinue through today are the exact opposite of what would lead to wealth. To fight this tide and to become financially independent soon become more important goals in their own right, and amassing large amounts of money is a side effect. It's very satisfying to see your bank account grow month to month instead of blowing a few bucks for a latte here, a new suit there. Also, the book discusses better ways to put your money to work than just sitting around in a bank account, in cash form. It talks about various investments. One nice added feature, which is really applicable today, is the chapter on how to raise children with the same frugal values as yourself, even though you may have more money now and have an urge to give them "what you couldn't have" as a child. To drive by high schools and see new cars sitting in the students' parking lot, and realize a lot are nicer than the TEACHERS' cars makes me wonder what some parents are thinking. Whatever happened from reward through hard work and the character building that comes with it? I believe this book should be required reading by every person in the US.
Loved the book. I saved thousands and lots of time on my car I just purchased
Well written. Inspiring and informative!