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There are currently 37 reader reviews for The Brethren
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Palesa Mpuru
It was a very good read indeed, interesting and very realistic as your mind gets glued to the book. Very funny in other episodes of the book and brilliant. The end was somehow less flattering when compared to the whole book itself, but it leaves you laughing even at yourself for being so inquisitive.
so far the best
This was a page turner for me. I could not put it down! It was as tantalizing as 'The Testament'. 'The Brethren' is my second favorite Grisham novel (following 'Testament') and I will even read it again someday.
book was good, I agree did not give any names, but good reading. If anyone like drama and groups, there is one that is all about the DIXIE MAFIA and familes of STATE LINE MAFIA and their familes you can meet and talk to its in yahoo groups under police and law , they call it littlechicago its all one word. It is most interesting as the book about DIXIE MAFIA was in the book. I think this is their forum try this if anone is interested in joining a group of mafia family reading, try that and see if that works, GREAT BOOK AND GOOD READING.
Daniel Shishko
Interesting that Grisham based the whole story on a scam that was carried out by some of the worst of the "Dixie Mafia" and yet he never gives their names or connection with the Mob. GREAT READING, and a Brilliant look into how the Criminal mind works while left with HOURS of time and nothing creative to do with it.
This novel was so good that I read it agian. I really enjoyed how he empahzised the legal system. Also I loved how he showed what could happen if any scam gets out of hand.
Phililp "Grishamnfan"
This is an excellent book. I loved it through the very end, loved it, totally :)
This book rocked! "The Brethren" was the first John Grisham book I ever read and it got me hooked. I wish they would make this book into a movie instead of "The Runaway Jury" I loved reading about judges in jail. That was the part that got me to read this book. I've read it three times already and I'm reading Grisham's latest "The King Of Torts".