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There are currently 408 reader reviews for Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
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Ayaz Mahmood Ghani
Great !!!
Its really great and express it by writing. Harry Potter books are interesting and thrilling books ever to come on the Earth.
I must say that the Harry Potter books are some of the best I have ever read. They really let you use your imagination.
Charlea's dad
Here I am, a 40 year old working stiff. Now I am madly in love with the world of Hogwarts. The book makes you feel apart of Harry's unyeilding search for the truth, and his own identity. All he knows is that in the past he is resposible for something that people think is the greatest thing since sliced bread. You almost feel yourself walking the halls of Hogwarts, sitting beside him and his friends in the great hall and cheering in the stands as Harry wins an all important battle for the cup. I almost was brought to tears at the end when Harry realized he was not alone and finally had a connection to his parents, and that he now had a sense of just who James and Lily were. I finished the third book and could only wait a couple of hours, and guess what I was heading back to Hogwarts in next book, Bravo, for a truly wonderful adventure that a 4o year old father could dive into as easily as a 13 year old teenager has. She got me hooked on Potter and now my two other sons are reading the adventure.
i luv harry potter. even tough i dont believe in witches and wizard j.k Rowling made me belive in them the way she has written abt harry and all his friends is amazing. of all the four books i like the 1st and the 3rd. i mean the way she has expreesed all harry's thoughts is really good. im waiting for the 5th book to come and the movie was also really nice. i bet every kid and audult who read harry potter will lu it even my friend who hates books read it and didnt want to putit down. in and in harry potter is the best book ever written.
I'm fond of reading since i've read harry potter
This book is FANTASTIC! I cannot believe all the people that made such a fuss about these books. I had to wait in line after my son to read these books, but they've kept my interest so high, I didn't mind the wait. I enjoy ALL the Harry Potter books so much, my husband went out to Barnes and Noble and bought me the next volume in hard cover just because of the excitement I have when I give a brief outline of the books. I say PHOOEY to anyone who thinks that Harry Potter books are bad for kids...if 'I' enjoy them at age 38 and see NO reason not to like them, then know that they are fantistically written and great entertainment for all!!
It was a great book
I couldn't stop reading it
I loved it
i really liked the third
i think that when you start reading you can't stop
it was really good i just hate that they haven't
made more of them it was just thrilling.
i rated it 5 stars out of 5 cause it was raelly good