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There are currently 408 reader reviews for Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
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Jack Johnson
really good book. my favorite book of all time!!
It is an excellent book.
Lisa Fry
I was really impressed with the third book, it is the best of the series.
Chelsea Howard
This is the best book out of the series
jeffrel mas
harry potter is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel Durgin
It was a invigorating a wonderful book.
Jessica Robson
I have got Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azaban and it is a great book.
All Harry Potter books are cool. I will rate all of them 100/100 if I can. The story is so interesting. We might not get the story at first but after you read it a few more times, you will understand. One of my fave character in the book is Cho Chang. This is because she's an asian just like I am. I'm proud to know that Harry liked an asian girl.