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Mr Peter E
I think the books are the best everyone stated to read them except me then I read The Chamber of Secrets and really enjoyed so I got the other books
Chelsea Glovins
HARRY POTTER BOOKS ARE SO GREAT!!!!!!!!! But my favorite so far is THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN. I can't wait tell the next book. Before I couldn't find the right book for me, Well when I started to read HARRY POTTER that soon changed it became my favorite book. Thank you for your wonderful books.
S.M.E. Barry
All right, first off, I must say that every book in this series so far manages somehow to surpass the one before it. I don't know what lovely Fate fairy decided to whisper the idea for Harry into JK's ear, but I definitely thank it. I got both 'Chamber of Secrets' and 'Prisoner of Azkaban' on Christmas morning, and, after barricading myself in my room with some Christmas pudding and my Eiffel 65 CD, read them both that day. I loved Professor Lupin; there was something very likeable and human about him. I still say Snape should have been eaten by Aragog the Spider, but hey, as Ron says, you can't have everything in life. =) Oh, and a cool side note: Harry Potter got me into USA Today. I wrote a fan fiction back in January, and a Elizabeth Weise from the Technology and Life section read it and liked it so much that she interviewed me for an article on fan written Harry Potter stories. The world is a strange and wonderful place, and if, as my mother says, there is indeed such a thing as karma, then JK Rowling has just shot up the good side of it by about four million points.
I'm 12 and I didn't like Harry Potter at first. I don't know y but, I didn't. But I thought "Aw, what the heck, its not gonna make a difference if I read ONE." So I read it, and I loved it. Now I've read all three and whenever I go 2 the library, first stop, Harry Potter. That just shows that no1 can resist HARRY POTTER. I know that my fave is Prisoner of Azkaban. I liked to read it in the dark so that it was extra creepy. I really liked the Grim, Sirius Black, the HIDDEN PASSAGES, the part when Harry creates the Patronus, And most of all, WHEN HERMOINE DOES THE TIME-TURNER THING. IF U HAVEN'T READ HARRY POTTER, READ IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just have 1 question about it. IS HARRY EVER GOING TO SEE THE SORTING CEREMONY, BESIDES WHEN HE IS IN IT?
Hannah Pilling
I loved this book it was absolutely brilliant Me and my sis Esther have gone Harry Potter crazy we even have done a load of pictures and stuck them on our noticeboard I can't wait for the next book to come out in July I have ordered it.
The BEST books ever! The H.P. series is, in my mind, on a level with classics like The Lord of the Rings and others. Even if you're a complete skeptic then go and read them today!!! They're not just 4 kids, they're 4 ALL ages (I'm talking 8-110, here). J.K.Rowling is a superb writer, and incredibly talented. The characters are easy to relate to and wonderfully brought to life. If you don't like these books then there must be something wrong with you! The plots are great and full of twists, and when you read them you enter a magical fantasy world , which you wish would never end. I'm 14 & I'll never get tired of these books, not even when I'm 90! I particularly like "H.P & The Philosopher's Stone" because Harry discovers he's a wizard and comes face 2 face with the terrible Dark Lord, Voldemort. I couldn't put it down and read it in one go, staying up till 5AM JUST 2 FINISH IT!!! Buy it NOW!
An excellent book, I loved the character of Sirius Black. The Aunt Marge part was funny, but it could have been better. Professor Lupin was cool. I'd like to see Black appear again, and maybe be cleared of the crime.
Chris Demers
Dear J. K. Rowling, I loved your book about Sirius Black and Harry Potter. This is an excellent book, and as everyone says, I couldn't put it down. I'm 11 and a good reader, but I still have all of your magically detailed books. I'm looking forward to a fourth book and I keep re-reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Chris D.