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There are currently 277 reader reviews for The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants
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Hi, i have read the books and I totally liked them...I think they are exciting and real at the same time. I decided to write here to see of someone could give me their points of views in this: Why was Kostos taken out? In the first book I thought he was such a good character; he was like you would want any boy to be. He was a true gentleman. I really liked him too in book 2. I don't understand then why would the author put him out of the picture probably for good this time. Can someone give their opinions? Thank you.
this book is the essence of a real teens life I enjoyed it so much
many times when you get a book its all cakie nothing happens
in the lives of the main characters, they never go through anything(divorced parents, lost loves)
But with this book you can see yourself in all these girls!
15yrs old
I loved this book because it isn't some fantasy book about fairies or unicorns, it talks about realistic girls doing realistic things. I picked this book out of a list of about ten others for a summer reading project at my middle school. All my friends read it, and they loved it just as much as I did. I already read the second, and I can't wait for the third! Thanks Ann for writing this book
Katie M, age 13
My friend that I go motorcycle riding with recamended the first book to me, then I found the others to my liking too. Ann's books are off the hook! They're exciting, but not in an action-packed way. The 4 girls bond of friendship is strong and I'm sad Ann won't be writing any more after they go to college. Please write, like, a mini novel of how they're doing in their later lives and where the pants end up. I'm 12 years old and a big fan of Ann Brashares!
My sister read this book and recommended it to me. Once I started reading it, I got addicted and began reading the second book: The Second Summer of the SisterhoodText. That was also an awesome book! I cannot wait for Girls in the Pants: The Third Summer of the SisterhoodText that comes out February 2005!
i read it in one day. i just couldn't put it down. such an amazingand it's so cool how she portrays so much emotion in so few words. i have three other friends and we all relate to the different charecters.
I read the whole book in one day! It is cool because I can relate myself and my friends to these s.... its awesome! Text
A read for all ages! Excellent, entertaining, and well worth it!