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There are currently 3 reader reviews for A Mind At A Time
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The Techniques That Assist Individual Differences
The variety of students and their learning disorders are an enormous challenge for them, their families and teachers. Within Levine's book are honest examples and useful techniques to help each student to overcome their difficulties. This book emphasizes how we need to cooperatively offer children practices that will strengthen them and not focus on their deficits. The guidelines are extremely valuable to all concerned.
This is one of the best books I have ever read that truly addresses the need to evaluate every child and teen as a total person. As a parent and an educator, this book reminds us of the importance of focusing on connections and what a student is doing right. One shoe has never fit all.
Cindy Garzon
Every person in the field of education should read this book. It really helps put into perspective the complexity of "simple" actions we take for granted.