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Barbara Z. (Cherry Hill, NJ)
Dame Daphne
I requested to review "Manderley Forever" because I have read two of Tatiana de Rosnay's books, but I have never read any du Maurier books, but was aware that several were NY Times bestsellers and movies. I was not aware that one of du Maurier's short stories was the basis for the Hitchcock movie 'The Birds'.
I was positively surprised by the book. The majority of the book reads like a novel, but with great detail about Daphne's childhood, relationships, influences on each of her books, famous author grandfather, famous actor father and other relatives. I found her husband's career ascension equally fascinating.
…more It's obvious that de Rosnay is passionate about du Maurier's life and writing, but I suspect also some similarities in ancestry (Anglo-French), and each having a book that with commercial success that overshadows all other published works by each author.
The book leaves questions about the psyche of du Maurier, as well as same sex and other relationships. Yet, in the end Daphne du Maurier had three wonderful children and a 33 year marriage that began with great passion and mutual admiration. And, close relationships with her two sisters, one who also had more than a dozen published books.
As a result of reading this book, I may decide to selectively read some of Daphne's books and watch the film versions, but I don't know that her stories appeal to me, but this biography does. I think this book would appeal to Bookclubs. (less)
Shawna (TX)
Great Biography of a Favorite Author
For those who love Daphne Du Maurier's book, Manderley Forever is a chance to understand her. Reading more like a novel than a biography, it gives insights into her life from beginning to end including information about her books. De Rosnay does a wonderful job presenting her life in an easy to read and compelling way. Great read for anyone who loves Ms. Du Maurier!
Carol Pawleys Island, SC
Du Maurier Lives
I'm sure most of us have read "Rebecca" when a teenager. Having remembered how much I enjoyed it, I read it a second time when it was a book selection for my book group last year. What we then learned about Daphne Du Maurier's life tweaked my interest, so when I saw this bio written by a favorite novelist, I was excited to read it. I was not disappointed.
De Rosnay's extensive research was impressive and I believe only another novelist could get into Du Maurier's creative spirit and psyche in order to write the biography.
She gave a vivid picture of the homes, landscape and, of course, Daphne herself. I was
…more transported to her world, I feel like I know her, and look forward to reading some of her other works....and, yes, "Rebecca" for a third time. (less)
Mollie W. (Greenville, Alabama)
Well researched and enjoyable
I asked to review "Manderley Forever" because I did not know much about Daphne du Maurier. I knew she was the author of "Rebecca," which I have not read, but have seen and enjoyed the film many times.
The book was good. I was pleasantly surprised by the ease and conversational style of the author's narrative. She obviously did a great deal of research for the work.
I would have liked a little more information about a few of the details she shared (like the bullying incident early on; why was du Maurier treated that way? Just because she was French? Was there anti-French sentiment in England at that time?), but it
…more may have been hard to come by some of that information.
Overall, I was pleased with the book, and I would certainly recommend it to others. (less)
Stephen H. (Palo Alto, CA)
Daphne Du Maurier--A Modern Voice
Is there a teacher in America who doesn't require Rebecca in any course devoted to "narrative voice"? If so, she is doing a great disservice to her students. At last we have a competent, if not, exceptional chronicle of the author who transformed the stilted Gothic novel into a truly believable, frightening experience. I love the way Tatiana De Ronay's biography tries to get inside the head of a writer who was as modern in style and effect as Joyce and Stein. On the surface, Daphne lead the celebrated life of an amazingly successful writer. She marries a war hero, and writes a blockbuster in her thirties, but
…more not without enduring the doubt and anguish many of us assume is only the plight of the unread. That Tatiana does not offer any explanation (or proof) of a sexualized relationship between Daphne and a former French headmistress is my only criticism of this fine work. (less)
Jackie J
Up Close and Personal - Daphne Du Maurier
De Rosnay has done incredible research regarding this biography. Her sense of detail regarding DuMaurier's intimate and personal life gives you an insight into why she writes as she does. The book is intriguing, familial, and a look at a woman who had to fight to pursue her dream. Her family and children are given a primary role in this biography. It is interesting and will keep your attention to the very end. It is truly enlightening and a pleasure to read.
Shirley P. (Colorado Springs, CO)
Manderly Forever - Tatiana De Rosnay
I read a great deal of Daphne Du Maurier's books as a young woman and enjoyed them very much. I thought of her as a "gothic" writer at the time, which I now find out from this book was an appellation she hated.
At the start of this book, I was a bit put off by the present tense and third person limited (?) point of view of the book, as it seemed to me to make it appear more a work of fiction than a biography. As I read on though, I realized that this presented the reader with a richer, more complicated world than a recitation of facts as in a strict biographical form and I ended up quite enjoying this book.
…more have been a few books about Ms. DuMaurier, that have been quite controversial because of the purported "facts" about her sexuality and her identity duality as Eric Avon. Ms. De Rosnay has embraced the supposed lesbian relationships formerly written about, which her children have strongly denied as true. This reader falls on the side of discrediting actual relationships in favor of DuMaurier's dramatics and "crushes" half living in a world of fiction as she did, though De Rosnay's sources are convincing as to her version of DuMaurier's private life.
I recommend this book as an interesting story and a very interesting and comprehensive description of a famous writer's life. (less)
Melinda H. (Cornelius, NC)
Reading Manderley Forever by Tatiana De Rosnay instantly transported me back to one of my favorite homes in literature. Although this is actually the biography of Daphne De Maurier, I couldn't help but relate everything to my treasured memory of Rebecca and Manderley.
De Rosnay easily transitions from her own impressions of the time and place into Daphne's. I loved the novel-like quality of the writing, and the ease with which we were allowed into Daphne's quite eccentric life. Although I was not at all surprised by Daphne's lifestyle, it was most certainly quite risque 75 years ago.
I truly feel as if I know
…more this person, as though we were acquaintances, even friends, not she simply the subject of a book I read. De Rosnay did an amazing job transporting the reader into Daphne's life, her mind, and her books.
This book is for anyone who loves biographies, Rebecca, or studies of real women who didn't fall in line with traditional female roles. For those who are not ready to have those roles shattered, I would recommend a different book. For those who have read or seen some of De Maurier's darker works, this book will enlighten and expose the inspirations affecting Daphne. I highly recommend this book for a few reasons. One, I love delving into the inspirations and writing habits of a beloved author and De Rosnay delivers a beautiful story. Two, for anyone who is learning to live with a different lifestyle choice, or knows someone who is, it honestly reveals an unveiled understanding and acceptance of living outside of societal expectations. (less)