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There are currently 26 reader reviews for Mrs. March
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D Conrad
Excellently written
I find it hard to read a book when I don’t like the main character but I was carried along by the writing. I wish the secondary characters had been more developed. (Also, deer don’t eat rabbits.)
Sarah B. (Streamwood, IL)
Mrs. March
This is not the traditional summer thriller. This produced a creeping dread in me. Poor Mrs. March. Suspenseful and unsettling. I was never sure where it was going. It has shades of the classic horror stories and some new thrillers. It will not be for everyone, but for someone that can feel the emotions of characters easily it is really really for them.
Marybeth T. (Bellingham, WA)
Not what I was expecting
I liked this book, didn't love it but liked the writing. I guess I was expecting something a little more fast paced and thrilling. This was a slow burn that was slower paced.
Mrs. March is slowing spiraling into madness. She's always been odd in my opinion but she is getting worse the older she gets.
She is fixated on two things, an unlikable main character in her husbands new novel that people are saying is based on her and a murder in Maine that may or may not involve her husband.
The book was a little slow but I liked the writing. I was expecting it to be a little more like a Patricia Highsmith novel and it really wasn't.
Sue P. (Albuquerque, NM)
Mrs. March
A slow descent into madness is presented in the form of an entitled, privileged woman. This book is suspenseful, dark and unsettling. It is extremely well written. However, as much as I love this genre, I could never connect with the character or bring myself to care very much what happened to her.
Susan S. (Lafayette, CA)
I really wanted and expected to love this book, based on the description and the review comments that were on the front cover of the advanced reader copy. But I didn't. I like emotional darkness in novels, and am intrigued by incipient mental illness in a main character, and I got both of those. But I also got a lot of frustration. There were a lot of threads and characters that got introduced but then didn't seem to go anywhere or whose purpose in the book I just didn't understand. And I so much wanted to know more about her husband's most recent novel. And perhaps because of
…more that frustration, I thought the book was pretty slow. I did not find it gripping like a lot of other readers did.
I will say that Mrs. March's current mental processes were described vividly (and painfully) and I did understand who the achingly sad character was that we were meeting, though I had trouble reconciling her current self with her past self, and her relationship with her husband did not make sense to me.
I would be interested to read further books by this author, though. (less)
Jamie K. (Berkeley, CA)
Not very thrilling
This was a hard read for me. I didn't like the main character, and I found watching her descent Into paranoia and possible madness more difficult to endure than entertaining to read. Mostly I felt sorry for her child growing up in that impossible household. Although ambivalent, I kept on reading as the book cover reviews told me to hang in there for the surprise ending, which unfortunately was not surprising due to the obvious foreshadowing. Even though I couldn't identify with the character, I did think she was well developed. It's just that I got tired of her as she battled her demons in an attempt to balance
…more her desire to be accepted in society with her need to avenge a wrong that may or may not have been done to her. (less)
Virginia P. (Tallahassee, FL)
Mrs. March by Virginia Feito
Mrs. March was a woman with severe mental health issues that became more and more apparent as the novel went on. What promised, at first, to be a rousing story ended up with a rather cliched ending. However, it was the writer's first novel and probably her next book will be a stronger one.
I don't know if I'm allowed to say this...I think you needed to be "high" when reading this book. I couldn't finish it fast enough. Awful! I will understand if this can't be displayed.