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Linda B. (Sheridan, WY)
The Spy Lover
This story showed a different side of the Civil War. The characters are believable and interesting. I had no idea that some Chinese participated in the war. It is interesting to read how the spy, a woman, is able to pass on her information without getting caught. Since it is based on the author's family history, I feel it should be considered a historical novel. Those who enjoy historical novels will enjoy this novel as well.
Erin G. (Dulles, VA)
The Spy Lover: not the book its title suggests
The title "The Spy Lover" implies a certain combination of intrigue and romance, but this book about the tragedies of the Civil War instead focuses on loss, desperation, courage in battle, and the toll of war on its survivors. Unlike most Civil War sagas, however, The Spy Lover explores the experiences of a diverse range of characters: a Chinese immigrant conscripted into the war, his part-Native American daughter. This book was not at all what I expected, but anyone interested in a different perspective on the Civil War will find it fascinating.
Kay K. (Oshkosh, Wisconsin)
The Spy Lover by Kiana Davenport
This book would be a civil war enthusiast's dream. The historical elements are detailed in their brutal reality. The underlying story of a Chinese immigrant, Johnny Tom, fighting as a Union soldier and his daughter spying for the Union as a battle field nurse brings home to the reader the toll on the human heart and soul. When it comes to taking sides on an issue the sides blur when the details narrow down to person to person . The reader learns an important lesson about love through Davenport's Warren Petticomb. This book was a satisfying read.
Lucy B. (Urbana, Ohio)
The Spy Lover
No story that deals with the civil war (especially in light of the number of casualties on both sides, the maimed soldiers who go on living with their injuries, brothers fighting brothers) could be considered a "happy story." But reading on different levels gives us opportunities to think about all sides of situations. This novel by Kiana Davenport that also deals with the life in a war camp, immigrant soldiers, and nurses tending the wounded. Congratulations to the author for this deeply moving story. She has covered a lot of situations and also included some of her family history. I will be recommending this
…more book to my friends. (less)
Pam L. (Melbourne Beach, FL)
A 3-D look at the Civil war
"The Spy Lover" is a fascinating account of the Civil War from the perspective of a Chinese immigrant, a nurse/spy and a one armed cavalry man. Kianan Davenport writes such a vivid almost life like account of the Civil War that it made me feel I was on some of the battle fields and among the soldiers. Much of the telling is not for the weak stomached, but certainly an accurate account of the detritus of war. A novel with many details that I do not believe have been brought to life before. I particularly loved Johnny Tom's Eastern philosophy on the horrors of war and how the women responded to the changes that
…more the Civil War created for them. (less)
A H (Arvada, CO)
Vivid Read
With real and accessible characters, this book is almost too hard to read at times, like reading a memoir more so than fiction. The warmth and humanity of the story allows you to move beyond the suffering and trust the author and the story she needs to tell.
Jill S. (Eagle, ID)
A Spy Lover
This book is not for the faint of heart. At times the descriptions of of the Civil War were distracting, but the main characters (Johnny Tom, Era, and Warren) are vivid and believable. Based upon her family history and historical fact, Ms. Davenport has written a book that has it all: love, brutality, suffering, and will evoke a lot of emotions. This book will be a great addition to any book club.
Nancy C. (Newton, KS)
The Spy Lover
I have read many books about the Civil War but this book had a profound effect upon me. The descriptions of war and battle seemed to take on a new quality as the characters revealed more of themselves and their feelings. At times it was difficult to read the reality of battle as it became so personal. One begins to realize that some things never change and I would guess that war is right at the top of the list. I couldn't help compare our servicemen returning home today after reading the following - "Those who survived down the years would be quiet men. Now and then they would remember the face of a dead boy and
…more weep, as if that boy had been their child. For many of them, after Shiloh there would be no greed for life, no ambition. That single battle would be their youth, their age, their death."
Love stories weave throughout this novel. A daughter's love for her father; a boy's love for his brother and the Union spy's love for the Confederate soldier. Each expands the story and enhances it but I felt the author chose a convenient ending. It made me fell better but seemed a far reach. Perhaps love can conquer all.. I would recommend this book for it's beautiful descriptive narrative and it's ability to transport the reader back to a time and place we have rarely visited in this depth. (less)