Book Club Discussion Questions
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Please be aware that this discussion guide will contain spoilers!
- Inti and Aggie are identical twins. How does that shape their bond? Discuss their particular
intimacy, specifically how it is affected by Aggie's marriage to Gus. How do the sisters both
protect each other and hurt each other?
- Discuss Inti's mirror-touch synesthesia. How does Inti's relationship with it shift over the
years? How does it influence the way she exists in the world?
- Inti's parents are incredibly different, in both lifestyle and outlook. How do they each shape
Inti's worldview? How does her understanding of her parents change over the course of the
- As a child, Inti considered the forest near her father's home in British Columbia to be her
"true home, the place we belonged. A landscape that made sense of me. As a child I believed
the trees of this forest our family." Why does Inti feel such kinship with the forest? What
does she find in nature that she struggles to find among other humans?
- Inti describes the wolves as "all I have left that isn't rage." What is she angry about? How
does her anger both fuel her and hold her back? How does her anger compare to the anger
that fuels men like Gus and Stuart?
- At a meeting with the local community to discuss the Cairngorms Wolf Project, Inti tells the
crowd, "If you truly think wolves are the blood spillers, then you're blind. We do that. We
are the people killers, the children killers. We're the monsters." What does she mean? Did
this novel change your view of wolves in any way? If so, how?
- When Inti calls Stuart a monster, Duncan argues: "if you paint a picture of him as a monster
then you make him mythical, but men who hurt women are just men. They're all of us. Too
fucking many of us and all too human. And the women they hurt aren't passive victims, or
Freud's masochists who like to be punished either. They're all women, and all they're doing,
minute by minute, is strategizing how best to survive the man they loved, and that's not a
thing anyone should have to do." What do you think he means? Do you agree?
- Language is a major theme in the novel. As Inti says, "There are languages without words
and violence is one of them." How is violence a language for these characters? What other
languages shape Inti's and Aggie's lives?
- Why does Inti decide to bury Stuart's body? Do you sympathize with her decision? What do
you think would have happened if she had reported it instead?
- Inti tells Duncan, "No such thing as trust in the wilderness…. It's only people need that
word." What does she mean? What, for Inti, are the differences between wolf society and
human society?
- Mrs. Doyle tells Inti, "When you open your heart to rewilding a landscape, the truth is,
you're opening your heart to rewilding yourself." What does "rewilding" mean here? How
does the idea of rewilding both the Highlands and the characters themselves resonate
throughout the novel, specifically for Inti?
- Near the end of the novel, Inti questions her work with the wolves: "I began to wonder if
what we were doing was right. If our involvement in their lives was too much. We were
trying to save them but we killed them sometimes, too. We stomped through the world and
crumpled things where we walked, too human, not creature enough." What do you think?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of the work Inti and her team are doing to reintroduce
the wolves, and to conservation in general?
- When Inti asks Lainey if she's glad Stuart is gone, she replies, "He was my best friend and I
loved him and I've been a ghost for years. Of course I'm glad he's gone." What are the
contradictions of their marriage? How does the domestic abuse Lainey suffers compare to
Aggie's? How does Stuart compare to Gus?
- Before Inti shoots Number Ten, she reflects: "There is violence in me, in my hands, which
vibrate with the need to exert some kind of control, some defiance, and if it is revenge for
the things that have been taken from me then fine, I will have that too. I am done with
falling prey. I will be predator, at last. I will forget the walls and the self-protection and I will
become the thing I hunt and feel it all." Why does she have such a strong reaction? How
does Number Ten's death change her?
- In explaining why she killed Stuart, Aggie tells Inti, "I was so tired of feeling afraid…I didn't
want that prison for you, too." What does she mean? Do you sympathize with her actions
over the course of the novel?
- Inti resists anthropomorphizing the wolves she and her team work with, including giving
them human names. But she also seems to have a deeply personal bond with them. Discuss
those conflicting impulses and how they shape your own feelings toward the wild. What did
you make of the climactic scene in the forest, after Inti has given birth and the wolves
protect her and her baby through the night? How are the wolves characters in their own
- How are both Inti and Duncan broken at the beginning of the novel? How do they help
each other heal and, as they say, save each other?
- When she takes her dad and sister on a road trip to see wolves, Inti reflects, "...whether we
saw them or not they made this place richer and more alive just by existing. I could feel
them, and I was glad as the Wyoming sun set purple, pink, and gold over the prairie that the
wolves had remained hidden, that their lives were their own, their mystery remained." What
does she mean? Why are Inti and her father both so drawn to what they call, "the infinite
mystery of wolves"? How do you understand that mystery?
Unless otherwise stated, this discussion guide is reprinted with the permission of Flatiron Books.
Any page references refer to a USA edition of the book, usually the trade paperback version, and may vary in other editions.