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Summary and Reviews of He Shall Thunder In The Sky by Elizabeth Peters

He Shall Thunder In The Sky by Elizabeth Peters

He Shall Thunder In The Sky

by Elizabeth Peters
  • Critics' Consensus:
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  • First Published:
  • May 1, 2000, 416 pages
  • Paperback:
  • Apr 2001, 512 pages
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About This Book

Book Summary

Egypt and her hoary secrets are no match for indomitable archaeologist sleuth - Amelia Peabody.

Egypt and her hoary secrets are no match for New York Times-bestselling Grandmaster Elizabeth Peters and her indomitable archaeologist sleuth Amelia Peabody. The sand-and-wind blown ambience of this strange and colorful world, the ancient enchantments and delicious menace are more vibrantly realized than ever in this thrilling new adventure that places the intrepid Amelia and her equally remarkable family in the dangerous path of an onrushing World War.

The pursuit of knowledge must never be deterred by Man's folly. So the close of 1914 finds Amelia Peabody and her husband Radcliffe Emerson back in Egypt for another season of archaeological excavation--despite the increasing danger of an attack on the Suez Canal and on Egypt itself. Trouble is brewing in Cairo and the defiantly pacifist stance of Amelia and Emerson's headstrong son Ramses is earning the young man the derision, and much worse, of the British expatriate community. Meanwhile, the charismatic nationalist el Wardani is said to be fomenting insurrection in the ancient city. And since there is no way to stand outside the political hurricane that is suddenly threatening their lives, Amelia plunges directly into it.

When el Wardani escapes a police dragnet, thanks to the direct intervention of Amelia and Emerson, the family's stake in a perilous game is raised considerably. But it's Ramses' strange secret role in it that could truly bring ruin down upon all their heads. However, there is more than intrigue and espionage, plots and counterplots, at work here. For an artifact uncovered at a Giza dig--an exquisite sculpture found where it ought not to be confirms Amelia's most unsettling suspicion: that the chaos consuming Cairo has masked the nefarious re-emergence of Amelia's villainous archnemesis, Sethos, the Master Criminal.

The extraordinary Elizabeth Peters raises exotic intrigue to a new level with He Shall Thunder in the Sky. If you have never before experienced Amelia and her singular clan, prepare to be enthralled by the droll wit, the richly evoked locale, and a story that twists sensuously and mysteriously like an asp writhing beneath the desert sun. And longtime devotees will relish the return of dear friends--and await the resolution of a love affair that may change the Emersons' destiny forever.

Chapter One

I found it lying on the floor of the corridor that led to our sleeping chambers. I was standing there, holding it between my fingertips, when Ramses came out of his room. When he saw what I had in my hand his heavy dark eyebrows lifted, but he waited for me to speak first.

"Another white feather," I said. "Yours, I presume?"

"Yes, thank you." He plucked it from my fingers. "It must have fallen from my pocket when I took out my handkerchief. I will put it with the others."

Except for his impeccably accented English and a certain indefinable air about his bearing (I always say no one slouches quite as elegantly as an Englishman), an observer might have taken my son for one of the Egyptians among whom he had spent most of his life. He had the same wavy black hair and thick lashes, the same bronzed skin. In other ways he bore a strong resemblance to his father, who had emerged from our room in time to hear the foregoing exchange. Like Ramses, he had changed to ...

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Media Reviews

Orlando Sentinel
[i]ntelligent plotting, engaging characters and stylish writing, and we can hardly ask for anything more--except another entry in the series.

Philadelphia Inquirer
Amelia has really pitched a tent in our hearts.

San Francisco Chronicle
Peters's wily cast of characters keeps the reader coming back for more.

The New York Times Book Review
Between Amelia Peabody and Indiana Jones, it's Amelia--in wit and daring--by a landslide.

The Washington Post Book World
A writer so popular that the public library needs to keep her books under lock and key.

USA Today
A new Amelia Peabody mystery is like visiting old friends.

Publishers Weekly
The latest superb installment in this renowned series is one of Peters' best...a deeply satisfying story.

Reader Reviews


This is one of the best books that Elizabeth Peters has written to date. It surpasses her other books in excellence. The plot is great and keeps you wanting to read more.

This book was absolutely fabulous, and more than up to Peters's usual standard. Hooray for the Emersons!

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