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Book Jacket

Romantic Comedy

A comedy writer's stance on love shifts when a pop star challenges her ...
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Discuss the different romantic relationships in the book, from Sally and Noah to Annabel and Danny to Viv and Dr. Theo. How would you describe each couple?

Created: 05/01/24

Replies: 2

Posted May. 01, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 1067

Discuss the different romantic relationships in the book, from Sally and Noah to Annabel and Danny to Viv and Dr. Theo. How would you describe each couple?

Discuss the different romantic relationships in the book, from Sally and Noah to Annabel and Danny to Viv and Dr. Theo. How would you describe each couple? Which relationship feels most like your own, or one you'd like to be in?

Posted May. 21, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/10/24

Posts: 5

RE: Discuss the different romantic ...

Sally and Noah was a slow burn given their relationship was professional at first and they became friends through that experience and from there they had a gap in which they weren't in touch. This is very different than Annabel and Danny given their relationship had high intensity and seemed to involve a lot of theatrics. Viv and Dr. Theo relationship we didn't get to see all the details of their relationship but it seemed to start with mutual attraction.

Posted May. 23, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/12/22

Posts: 103

RE: Discuss the different romantic ...

It took time for Sally and Noah to get together which was, of course, the point of the book and one aspect of the story that made it a typical romance. We knew they would be together. It was just a matter of how long it would take. Annabel and Danny were the archetypical high-profile celebrity romance reported on by the media nad obsessed over by so many fans. On again, off again, who can keep up, and, more importantly, who really cares? Danny was hilariously pathetic about it at times. I thought the relationship between Viv and Dr. Theo was the most realistic and appreciated that both of them approached it with due consideration for the professional/ethical implications. Also, that Viv was willing to make the first move, accepted him as he was & appreciated him, and he supported her career. They were a lovely addition to the story.


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